On site Repair

Pipettes in need of an overhaul are inspected, thoroughly cleaned, re-sealed and re-assembled. Our experienced technicians will adjust and calibrate the pipette back to manufacturer specifications in your laboratory.

All seals are replaced every time an overhaul is performed. This is an important step to the procedure that cannot be overlooked. The seal in the pipette is the one part in the unit that gets the most wear. PCS does not charge you for this replacement part. Most companies will adjust the pipette to compensate for the wear and do not replace the seal, and if they do replace it, they will charge you for it.

All data from the “AS FOUND” to the “FINAL CORRECTED DATA” is recorded, and a signed copy is presented to the lab at the completion of the service. We also provide a paperless program to limit the amount of paperwork your lab has to store.

The advantages to on-site repair and calibration include:

  • The user can work at maximal potential because instruments stay on site.
  • Our skilled technicians can provide training on the correct use of pipettes.
  • Fully trained and efficient technicians.
  • 10 month warranty on all parts and labour.
  • Inspection
  • Each pipette is recorded and tested to determine it’s in working condition. This inspection includes recorded data with four as found readings and a complete physical inspection of the unit. All pipettes are recorded by the given serial number on the pipette. After an inspection is performed, the lab is made aware of the report and consulted on the condition of the pipettes.